In accordance with the Bylaws and the Standing Rules the Rainbow Naturist Brotherhood (RNB) is governed by the Steering Committee. These are members elected by the RNB Membership at our Annual Membership Meeting. The officers are elected for 2-year terms with half in even years and the other half in odd years. The Steering Committee is an important part of RNB Atlanta’s operation, as these are the people that arrange events with hosts, manage the financial aspects of events, and keep track of the bookkeeping tasks required to run an organization like RNB Atlanta. Anyone interested in joining the Steering Committee can talk with one of the current members, or email

Steering Committee Positions
Position Next Election Current Officer Duties
President 2022 Kevin S. (more information)
Vice-President 2023 John H. (more information)
Treasurer 2022 John W. (more information)
Secretary 2023 David B. (more information)
Fellowship Chair 2022 (Open) (more information)
Membership Chair 2023 Jason M. (more information)